Whipped Laundry Soap in Hamilton, Allegan, Michigan

Household Hamilton, Hamilton, Allegan, Michigan


I am selling homemade whipped laundry soap that is inexpensive and extremely effective. It dissolves instantly and can be used in HP washers as well. I also use the product as a stain lifter and in my carpet cleaner to remove stains from rugs and carpeted floors. I have and assortment of scents and unscented jars as well. Prices are 4oz $2, 8oz $4, pint $8, and 32 oz $16. Can deliver and bring samples as well. Scents include rose, lavender, tea tree oil, apple, japanese lotus blossom, relaxing blend, ocean mist, jasmine and sweet pea, peach mango, fresh rain, and gardenia.

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Listing id 13165
Post date August 17, 2015 11:44 PM
Result 0 votes
Rebecca Morrow
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