Various Items in LaPlace, St. John the Baptist, Louisiana

Household LaPlace, St. John the Baptist, Louisiana
7.00 $


Redecorating Sale!!! All items are in my non-smoking home. I do have well trained cats, however. ALL PRICES NEGOTIABLE. Pick up in LaPlace.

1. Small Phillips Magnavox TV with remote. Works fine. $15

2. Very large fireplace-sized magnolia painting in bronze frame. Heavy and sturdy. No damage. $50

3. Round 3 legged table, with gold tablecloth and jewel colored scarf. $15

4. Queen and knight print in brass colored frame. $7

5. Creepy little girl with letter print in wooden frame. $7

6. 30-something inch TV stand. Currently holds my 60 inch flatscreen tv. No structural damage, but has wear and tear to edges. Has 2 working doors on front. $15

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Listing id 4094
Post date April 9, 2015 7:47 AM
Result 0 votes
Elizabeth Jane Welch
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