Storage sell $200 in St. Pete, Pinellas, Florida

Household North Side, St. Pete, Pinellas, Florida
200.00 $


Hello my name is Leslie. Im looking to sell all items pictured. Items are located at budget storage on 49th Street Avenue North. There is a five piece all wood Badcock bedroom set (mattress and box spring not included) minor wear and tear, mint condition outdoor bench no rust and older patio set also cushions included, ethan allen wing chair and small U-shaped microsuede/ faux leather sectional with ottoman just need upholstery cleaned, shoji screen used, small brinkman propane grill barely used with new grill utensils and 2 small nightstands.

Looking to sell all items together, asking price $200. Very flexible so make me an offer! 
Cell 5714777047.

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Views 64
Listing id 12071
Post date August 6, 2015 3:09 PM
Last edit August 6, 2015 3:29 PM
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Hurri Cane Leslie
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