STL Blues TM Paid Custom Design Wall Decor in St. Louis County, Missouri

Household South County, St. Louis County, Missouri
50.00 $


This 3D wall sign is ruggedly built with finished grade plywood that supports the front Face boards made from solid wood barn style distressed wood that is glued and screwed together. On the sign back is the LED power supply and provides multi color light choice, several programmed functions (lights can sync with music, fade in and out thru a array of different colors, and more) via the remote control and can be dimmed. The Blues emblem is separated into two circles which appears at the same from straight front but each have a 3/4" separation with LED in-between. The emblem is TM paid.
Power is 120 V plugin, Heavy duty mounting hardware installed. This a one of a kind, my personal design, there is a comparable that I can send you a link, theirs is a smaller sign, only one emblem option, not this one, and sales of this emblem has been the most popular, my competition is out of state so shipping is at least an extra $20, plus the sign is $120, i also make a comparable to theirs and that version is $50 to their $120. Quality is my favor in many ways as well.

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Views 62
Listing id 267543
Post date April 27, 2021 8:07 PM
Last edit May 5, 2021 10:42 PM
Result 0 votes
Charles A Ginocchio
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