Spa in Orrville, Dallas, Alabama

Household Merediths Landing, Orrville, Dallas, Alabama
1000.00 $


Huge White Springs Spa For Sale
Perfect for the porch, deck or man cave
Deep Purple marble finish, shines like new
If you are interested in purchasing a spa and can do a little woodwork yourself, you can save yourself several thousand dollars on this trade in spa
Come look at it and make us an offer
This is a beautiful spa
Deep purple marble color
3-220v Pumps
1-110v Recirculating Pump
More Jets than I can count
These tubs sell from $2995 to $5995 but if you are a Do-It-Yourselfer and can replace some side panels, you can save yourself several thousand dollars.
This spa was running when we took it out a month ago, but we don't know anything else about it.
The 4 Doors/Side Panels and the cover are missing.
A new leather cover is less than $200 and it would take around $100 in siding depending on what materials you chose to replace the panels.
Come check it out, see what you think, make us an offer and get it installed so you can enjoy it during football season on the big screen...
Willing to trade for man stuff; boats, outboard motors, motorcycles, cars, trucks, guns, guitars, etc.
You know; man stuff...
Call me and tell me what you have; all I can say is no...right?

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Views 86
Listing id 18572
Post date October 24, 2015 9:09 PM
Result 0 votes
Bobby Brown
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