Singer (L500) L-500 Quantum Sewing Machine in Mayetta, Jackson County, Kansas

Household Outside City Of Mayetta, Mayetta, Jackson County, Kansas
300.00 $


This comes with everything pictured including the sewing table. Extra feet include a ruffling foot and hopping/open toe foot. The only issue with the machine is the bobbin winder isn't working. I use pre-wound I'm not sure when this stopped working.

Manufacturer's description below: (I don't have the soft cover)

With over 400 Built-In Stitches - Basic, Decorative, Stretch, Text and More - your creative possibilities are endless. The Integrated Dual Feed System feeds the material on the top and bottom for even feeding of all fabric layers. The Large Back-Lit LCD Screen Displays the stitch you are on, the width, length and more! The Start/Stop Button allows you to start the machine without the use of a foot control and the electronic speed control slider controls the speed of the machine. The Automatic Thread Cutter Button cuts the thread on the top and bottom with the touch of a button. The Automatic Needle Thread prevents eyestrain and makes threading easy. The Machine is on a Heavy-Duty Metal Frame and can sew up to 1,000 Stitches Per Minute. The Long-Arm ( 8-5/8" Inches ) allows you to tackle larger projects such as quilts. The Stitch Width can go all the way up to 9mm and the L-500 also has 90 Needle Positions. The independent bobbin winder allows the user to wind a bobbin while sewing and the automatic tension makes tension no longer a hassle. The Extra-High Presser Foot Lift allows you to get bulky material under the foot and the Free Arm allows you to sew pant legs, cuffs and more! Adjustable Presser Foot Pressure allows you to adjust the pressure bearing down on the fabric for more precise stitching. Drop Feed Capability allows for Free-Motion Sewing. The Built-In Memory allows the user to combine stitch patterns to sew things such as names on quilt labels. The sewing bed is made of metal for increased durability. The dual spool holders on the back of the machine allow for the machine to accommodate large spools. The flip stitch chart shows you all of the stitches at a glance. The L-500 comes packed with a many accessories including an All Purpose Foot, Zipper Foot, Button Sewing Foot, Satin Stitch Foot, Buttonhole Foot, Open Toe Foot, Blind Hem Foot, Bobbins, a Soft Cover, Knee Lift and More!

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Listing id 57786
Post date May 1, 2018 12:23 PM
Last edit May 2, 2018 12:11 PM
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Amanda Butterfield
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