Wedding item lot for sale must go!!! in Vicksburg , Warren, Mississippi

Other Vicksburg , Warren, Mississippi


I have some beautiful wedding items that I purchased, but will not be able to use due to my engagement being broken off. So I am selling what I have so far. Hanging sign is chalk board to count down the days till wedding and is $7.00, Garter $7.00, Guest pen $12.50, Serving set $15.00, Crystal glasses $20.00, Unity candles $15.00, Memory book $20.00 which includes bride and grooms info and family info, meeting place, proposal place and info, wedding shower bachelor and bachelorette party info and picture slots. Bridal luncheon and rehearsal dinner. Wedding day invitation and program info slots. Wedding party flowers, attire, ceremony, reception, guest list, honeymoon also spot for your gift list. Very beautiful memory book. Flower girl basket $20.00. I am cutting everything to 50% off. Some prices are negotiable. I just need to get rid of them and gain some of my money back for tuition. Thanks and private message me if interested in any or all pieces. Also those who have my number feel free to call or text. Total cost comes out to $126 will take $120 for it all. Thanks in advance. Prices are negotiable. You can private message me on Facebook name is Courtney Ervin.

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Listing id 10810
Post date July 22, 2015 9:17 PM
Result 0 votes
Courtney Ervin
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