Traxxas t-maxx 4WD rc monster truck in Plymouth, Sheboygan, Wisconsin

Other Plymouth, Sheboygan, Wisconsin
200.00 $


I'm looking to sell (or trade for hunting equipment) my Traxxas t-maxx 4WD rc truck. I have a lot of extra parts including a transmission, electronic assembly, and engine. Battery charger, 1 quart 20% Traxxas top fuel, 2 battery powered engine starters, and all the owners manuals. Everything you see in the pictures is included. The engine and transmission run good, but it definitely needs a carb adjustment before starting. Last time it started was about a half year ago and it chewed a section of teeth off the fly wheel because the idle was set to high (as seen in the picture), so I needs a carb adjustment. Selling for $200 obo or hunting equipment (let me know what you got) (920) 838-1018

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Listing id 10174
Post date July 14, 2015 5:05 PM
Last edit July 14, 2015 5:52 PM
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