Three [med] White Handcrafted Christmas Wreaths & Evergreen Candelabra! in Boulder, Boulder, Colorado

Other Boulder, Boulder, Boulder, Colorado
35.00 $


*Made with high quality materials and each Uniquely designed.
*Sturdy pieces that will last for years to come!

All 4 pieces - $35.00
Or -
$10.00 each

~~~>> Buy them now for great a savings towards Next Christmas -OR- While they are still in excellent shape and not outdated, buy now at close to the cost of materials and labor - double the price and sell them yourself! <<~~~
*Reduced from $35.00 each
*Reduced price of $15.00 covers approx 87-91% of the cost of materials.

Made by; Connie Spirit Dancer Fitzgerald of Satori's Totems ~2014

Wreaths - Just white base - approx 2' x 2'
Candelabra - approx -2 1/2' L X 8" W

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Views 93
Listing id 4641
Post date April 21, 2015 11:07 AM
Last edit May 6, 2015 10:01 AM
Result 0 votes
Connie Fitzgerald
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