Storage Shed [Used] in McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon

Other McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon
30.00 $


This is a fair sized storage shed that we used to keep things dry and secure at our camping spot on the coast. It got blown over in the wind a few times and as a result the 2 black roof panels are a little bowed, so it doesn't quite fit together like it used to. It's only about a quarter of an inch off at most, so anyone with the means and know how to unbend the panels would have themselves a perfectly functioning storage shed. As you can see it is mostly put together already. These are several hundred dollars new, but because of its state I'm only asking for $30. Don't currently have a means of delivering it, so you'd have to pick it up. Located in McMinnville. Text, don't call: 503-583-1331

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Listing id 42014
Post date July 31, 2017 2:55 AM
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