Santa with deer in Granite Falls, Snohomish County, Washington

Other Granite Falls, Granite Falls, Snohomish County, Washington
5.00 $


This is a "town hall" piece. Approx 8" long, 7" tall. Has no light (I bought it without the light), but you can pick one up at the hobby shops and I have seen them at rite aid. This piece doesn't match my village pieces, so I've never had it on display. Does have a small piece missing on the bottom, but you can't see it when it's sitting up right. Is numbered A07845, authorized edition, authentic issue in Norman Rockwell's Christmas Village edition. Pick up in Granite Falls please

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Views 91
Listing id 263701
Post date November 29, 2020 12:05 PM
Result 0 votes
Karen Simonsen
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