Rhythm Beads for horses in Albion, Noble, Indiana

Other Albion, Noble, Indiana
15.00 $


Rhythm Beads are known to help calm and relax both horse and rider while they provide many benefits for your horse.

Rhythm beads, also known as horse necklaces, are quickly becoming a favorite of horse trainers nationwide. Whether your specialty is dressage, jumping or barrel racing, rhythm beads help the horse keep his cadence, and the rider keep in tempo with the horse's gait. Rhythm beads are also useful for trail riders, since they warn wildlife that the horse is in the area, and serve as white noise for the horse, keeping him from being startled by unexpected sounds.

I will make your Rhythm Beads with the colors you choose here are 2 already made and up for sale

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Listing id 23494
Post date December 27, 2015 9:53 PM
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