Precious Moments Collectable Figurines in Bay City, Tillamook County, Oregon

Other Bay City, Bay City, Tillamook County, Oregon
25.00 $


1 Blessed are the peacemakers 1979-boy holding cat & dog, spilled bowl @ feet $75 Dovemark
2 This is the day which the Lord has made 1987-Birthday boy holding a birthday cake $70-$80 Olive branch "Symbol of peace and understanding"
3 Loving is sharing 1980-boy sitting on bench w/ a book in his lap is sharing a lollipop w/ a puppy $50-$166
4 God is watching over you 1982-boy w/ water bottle on his head & wrapped in a blanket has his feet in a tub of water. His dog is sitting by him $26-$70
5 Christmas joy from head to toe 1982-girl w/ stocking that has a puppy in the end of it $40-$50
6 To a very special mom 1984- girl dressed in her mom's clothes & hat is holding a large purse. Her kitten is looking @ her $53-$62
7 Jesus loves me (bell)1981- boy holding a teddy bear $35-$75
8 Jesus loves me(figurine)"original 21" 1979-boy holding a teddy bear $30-$45
9 Happiness is the lord-boy banjo player $45
10 Let the whole world know (christening figurine)-boy & girl standing in a Baptism tub $40-$65
11 May your birthday be a blessing-girl sitting at table is having a birthday party w/ her dolls. There is a cupcake on the table$110-$125

Prices for figurines comes from the Collectables Database online. Asking price is half of the lowest price per figurine. All figurines are in their original boxes.

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Views 207
Listing id 279521
Post date August 10, 2022 7:37 PM
Last edit August 18, 2022 10:55 AM
Result 0 votes
Alexis M mcgowan
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