Porcelain Clowns in Culver, Marshall County, Indiana

Other Culver, Marshall County, Indiana
123.00 $


I have a collection of Brinn and Russ porcelain clowns for sale. They vary in size from 8 in to 19 in. There are 2 heads on doll stands. And there are a couple of ornaments. I'm asking $10 for the larger dolls each and $5 for the smaller dolls each. The doll heads are $5 each with the stand included. The ornaments would be 2 for $5. $5 for the brass clown head There are also eight doll stands I would sell for $10 for the bunch. Pick up in Culver or add $$ for shipping.

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Views 63
Listing id 52603
Post date December 9, 2017 4:07 PM
Last edit December 9, 2017 4:42 PM
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Jennifer Luttrell
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