Parental Rights Advocate in Summit, Ohio

Other Summit, Ohio
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I am trying to reach out to parents and family members who may not know where to turn to when needing a Parental Rights Advocate. I work with fathers and mothers striving to accomplish a more successful parent child relationship after separation or divorce.

There are online resources and free material that others have used for a better understanding of how to parent peacefully. There are also parental rights attorneys that can work with you with civil, criminal, juvenile, CPS, or other court matters. They have low hourly rates, affordable down payments, and offer monthly arrangements for most all clients. Limited representation is also available for those who wish to represent themselves.

If you have any questions or need to discuss your family court matter, please call 740-644-7932

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Listing id 8306
Post date June 22, 2015 1:00 PM
Result 0 votes
Angela Mattox
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