Over $20,00 worth of unopened hotwheels and NASCAR diecast items in Osage City, Osage County, Kansas

Other Osage City, Osage County, Kansas
15.00 $


I have 20 mostly large totes of Hotwheels , matchbox, and NASCAR items unopened along with holiday collections , and 5 packs and variety of Dale Earnhardt Sr and Jr items I would like to sell as a lot it would take weeks to go through to look for specific items I have an older value guide book and some inventory list , approximately over 15,000 cars /items am looking for a collector or an individual who can pay at least 1.00 to 5.00 each or at least $15,000 that's less then half of the value of the whole lot very interested buyers only thank you!!

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Listing id 44347
Post date August 23, 2017 4:19 PM
Result 0 votes
Becky Krom
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