Modular Home (Howard City) For Sale in Howard City, Montcalm, Michigan

Other Howard City, Montcalm, Michigan
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Beautiful double-wide modular home located on spacious lot in Village Trails, 425 Cedarbrook Street, Howard City MI. It is a 1456 sq. ft., 3 bedroom, 2 bath, with laundry/utility area and dining room.
Home features: vaulted ceilings, walk-in garden tub off of master bedroom, central heating and air-conditioning, vinyl siding, deck/patio and nice shed. Appliances: over the range microwave, washer dryer, dishwasher, garbage disposal, gas fireplace in living room, and more, too much to list....
Selling because I'm retired and moving south. Priced to sell quickly. If choosing not to move the home the park (Village Trails) features clubhouse, and playground as well as many community events and other services and features that can be seen online. (231)580-7367 or (225) 413-0536 $28,900 obo for pictues

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Listing id 12574
Post date August 11, 2015 1:44 PM
Last edit August 11, 2015 2:09 PM
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