Jayco Camper in Towanda, Butler County, Kansas

Other Eldorado, Towanda, Butler County, Kansas
700.00 $


Jayco popup camper. I spent quite a bit of time and money remodeling the interior. The canvas is a little worn down. It still functions good. It got me through some nasty storms. The brake lights worked the last time I took it out. No A/C but I'm throwing in the heater. The latches to hold the top down while driving may need replaced but if you put tension on it it works just fine. The curtains, seats, and bed sheets are all new. I replaced the entire interior and carpeted it with heavy duty high traffic carpet. The refrigerator and electricity all works. The stove works but the propain tank probably needs refilled. I was intending to replace the sink nozzle with a pressurized setup but I never got to it so theirs no fosset. The drainage portion still functions. One tire and rims are new aswell. The door needs to be screwed in for complete setup. It works well but i didnt bother installing it for pictures. For serious inquiries please call me at (620)755-9386

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Listing id 36477
Post date June 3, 2017 3:35 PM
Last edit June 3, 2017 3:57 PM
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Kaleb Cash
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