Home Made Foods in Great Bend, Barton County, Kansas

Other Great Bend, Great Bend, Barton County, Kansas
25.00 $


Bierocks, The Cost is For a Doz. $25.00 For Half Doz. $15.00 For 4 $10.00 Sausage, Egg, Potatoes, Onions, and Cheese Pockets The cost is For a Doz. $20.00 For Half Doz. $ 15.00 For 4 $10.00 Bacon, Egg, Potatoes, Onions, And Cheese Pockets The Cost is For a Doz. $20.00 For Half Doz. $15.00 For $10.00 Ham and Cheese Pockets For a Doz. $20.00 For a Half Doz. $15.00 For 4 $10.00. Chicken Enchiladas, The cost is For a Doz. $25.00 For Half Doz. $15.00 Beef Enchiladas For a Doz. $25.00 For Half Doz. $15.00 I don`t have all the pictures but when I make them I show them My Phone Number is 620-282-8485 send me a text there or call or go to [email protected] and send me a message there. You can pay cash or I got a Square card on my phone. Thank you

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Listing id 267703
Post date May 2, 2021 5:25 AM
Result 0 votes
Michele M Sullivan
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