Home Made Food in Great Bend, Barton County, Kansas

Other Great Bend, Great Bend, Barton County, Kansas
25.00 $


1. My Bierocks I can do it many ways and her the ways that I can do them.
I can do them like a regular on and that is hamburger, cabbage, and onion.
then I can do a bierock like with hamburger, cabbage, and no onion.
then I can do a bierock like with hamburger, cabbage, onion, and cheese.
then I can do a Bierock like with Sauerkraut, cabbage, and onion.
then I can do a bierock like with Sauerkraut, cabbage and no onion.
All my dough is made from scratch.
so what ever you would like for you bierock I can do.
Next Let me talk to you about my Cinnamon Rolls.
My Cinnamon Rolls Most of the time are a 4inch by 4 inch roll.
I have two different frosting that I use.
One is Cream Cheese Frosting and the other is Powder Sugar
Frosting. If you would like to have them with no Frosting I can do that as well.
Now let go to my Cheese Pockets.
Not much to tell about the Cheese Pockets except that if you want a special kind of ham or cheese I would try to find it and make it the way that you would like it. I will do my best.
My Bierock prices are A Dozen $25 A half a dozen $10.
My Cinnamon Rolls Are A Dozen $15 A half Dozen $8.
My Ham And Cheese Are $20 a dozen And I half Dozen $10 and I will sell 6 for $8

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Views 225
Listing id 265678
Post date February 15, 2021 6:10 AM
Last edit February 15, 2021 6:16 AM
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Michele Sullivan
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