Gregory Gorham framed art Chocolat 3 chefs holding cake standing around table in Soap Lake, Grant County, Washington

Other Soap Lake, Grant County, Washington
65.00 $


Gregory Gorham framed art work
Three Chefs
I believe this is a giclee print, I have compared it to another I found from an art dealer on the internet.
Framed and ready to hang
Nice looking piece. The print is mounted to a frame, which was then framed again.
The art work is a 10 x 14 inch piece. The large frame measures 18 ½ x 22 ½ inch outside to outside. It is covered by glass, hence the angled photos to avoid glare.
This item may be picked-up in Soap Lake which is half-way between Seattle and Spokane. Or, we would be willing to haul it to the Spokane, Spokane Valley, Worley, Idaho area on our next trip. If you are serious about purchase please call and we can discuss this.

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Listing id 42879
Post date August 8, 2017 8:53 AM
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Jerrold Brown
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