Gorgeous Antique Crown Piano by the famous George P Bent Piano Co. in Youngsville, Franklin, North Carolina

Other Youngsville, Franklin, North Carolina
275.00 $


Crown Piano Style D description
This beautiful Crown piano was manufactured by the famous George P. Bent Piano & Organ Company. According to an original sales catalog (see photos), it was sold as the "Style D". Crown built high quality, expensive pianos for decades throughout the late 19th and early 20th Century. These pianos are unique in that they have 4 pedals...the additional pedal operates a mechanism called an Orchestral Attachment and Practice Clavier, which were special features that produced tones like the harpsichord, mandolin, zither. When this 4th pedal isn't engaged, the piano plays like an ordinary piano. This piano is made in the Eastlake Victorian style with nicely carved panels, legs and moldings. Please call to view 919-556-6813

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Listing id 13172
Post date August 18, 2015 8:15 AM
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Darlene Barrett
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