Furniture and home decor in Orange Beach, Baldwin, Alabama

Other Caribe Resort, Orange Beach, Baldwin, Alabama


Moving Sale

Saturday and Sunday August 15th and 16th.
Caribe Resort, 28107 Perdido Beach Blvd, Orange Beach, Unit D1101.

Occupied as a non-smoking second home. Must call or message me to get a pass into the complex - 205-789-6458. EVERYTHING MUST GO (asking price or best offer). CASH ONLY.

2 king bedroom suits; each includes 2 night stands, dresser, and pillow top mattresses in good condition. $900 each bedroom suit or best offer

Queen sleeper sofa, twin sleeper chair and half with storage ottoman all matching set. Queen has a 4 inch foam top for the pull out for even more comfort and also includes a feather bed. The twin has a 3 inch foam top. Good condition not worn out, no stains, no tears or holes.
Sofa $350.00
Chair with ottoman $300
Or best offer

Foyer table; glass top with wrought iron bottom and a matching mirror. Great condition. $125 or best offer

Patio furniture; 4 chairs, 2 foot rest, 2 accent tables, high top table with 2 swivel high top chairs. In good condition nothing broken but needs repainting. $100 or best offer

Bar stools; 6 bar stools, 28 inches from seat to floor. No stains, holes or tears. Good condition. Will sell 4 for $80 and two for $40 or all 6 for $110

Palm Tree; artificial, approximately 6 feet tall, beautiful. Great condition. $85

Pictures, lamps, floral arrangements, kitchen stuff, pillows, bedding comforters, blankets, towels, cooler, home decorating items, washer/dryer more.


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Views 106
Listing id 12880
Post date August 15, 2015 3:52 AM
Last edit August 15, 2015 12:24 PM
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Vanessa Hand
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