Free Guinea Pigs in Mount Vernon, Skagit County, Washington

Other West Side Mount Vernon, Mount Vernon, Skagit County, Washington


I got 4 adult guinea pigs and they are all female. The two white and the two orange/ calico are typically together in their own cages but recently we have conjoined their cages and they are very happy and content being together all four of them. We are moving and can no longer support and love these pigs with all of our heart. Please only take these if you can supply them LOVE and different vegtebles every day like good greenery, peppers, carrots and celery and way more. They are very easy to take care of, they just need the right person. They will come with their cages, a full bag of pellets to start, some bedding and hay and water bottles. If you’d like to know their names you can keep the ones we have given them, or give them new ones obviously since they will be yours. These pigs are super happy and love to eat and snuggle with their humans, please somebody take them and help us! we will deliver them to you in clean cages and all the supply’s

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Listing id 247352
Post date October 30, 2019 9:16 PM
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