Free Farm Cats and Kittens in Peabody, Marion, Kansas

Other Peabody, Marion, Kansas


We have a few full grown cats and several adorable kittens that need homes.

All are healthy. They are VERY VERY friendly and use to kids. They are litter box trained. Kittens eat can food, and dry food, some of the younger ones have to have the dry food softened a little for them eat it.

We have all colors, white, black, calico. But mainly white.

They don't have any vaccinations. The are all girls.

We just want them to go to good homes that will love them. Otherwise coyotes will get them out here or a horse is going to step on them.

People dump cats on us all the time because we are a horse rescue, but we are NOT a cat rescue.

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Listing id 18433
Post date October 22, 2015 12:30 PM
Result 0 votes
Amy Bayes
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