For a friend in Gainesville, Bradford, Florida

Other Gainesville, Bradford, Florida
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listen up here I am sick and tired of you you dumb ass people doing nothing butt bad mouthing RHONDA ADAMS she us nothing but a good harted person who is out there trying to make a living to support her family like everyone else. So you all need to back the hell off and leave her the F### alone because thus us getting to be way beyond harassment. IF YOU AINT GOT NOTHING NICE TO SAY WELL THEN JEEP YOUR D### MOUTH SHUT... Rhonda has a very nice shop in Starke and her merchandise is top dollar. If you have a problem with her stuff then you don't have very good taste in my opinion. So please back the hell off..... Thank you in advance

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Listing id 6855
Post date June 2, 2015 6:36 PM
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