Estate Auction in Demotte, Jasper, Indiana

Other Demotte, Jasper, Indiana
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Estate Auction
Estate of Robert Cochran
Daisy BB Guns, Handguns, Tools and Woodworking Equipment
Saturday April 11, 2015 10:00 A.M. CST ( Chicago Time)
513 Almond Street N.W. DeMotte In. 46310
Directly behind Boundary Waters Resturant
See All Pictures and Complete List of Guns @ Auctioneer # 5383
HANDGUNS: HI Standard 22 cal. LR, semi-automatic pistol w/ clip; 22 cal. Model 1960 6 shot revolver starter pistol, made in Italy; HI Standard 22cal. LR 8 shot revolver, made in Germany; 25 cal. Smith & Wesson 5 shot revolver, needs work
DAISY BB GUNS AND ACCESSORIES: Lifetime collection of approx.100 BB guns, mostly Daisy, also Sheridan, Crosman, and J.C. Higgins; 2- gun cabinets; Daisy BB gun books; gun books; trap shooters belt; Daisy indoor skeet shoot game, in box, vintage; Crow Shoot game; Daisy truck in box; (2) “Daisy Targette”, BB gun targets.
WOODWORKING AND TOOLS: Niehoff “tune-up center” box; Craftsman XR2424 Contractor series table saw, 10” belt, 3HP; Craftsman drill press; Craftsman disc/belt sander; Craftsman Contractor series 8 1/4” slide compound miter saw; Craftsman radial arm saw, 8 1/4”,2 1/2HP; Craftsman tabletop router saw; Craftsman band saw, 12”, 1 1/8HP, 2 speed; lg. table top disc sander; table top wood planer; Craftsman buffer / polisher; Craftsman roll around tool box w/ 2 top boxes and side box; Craftsman oscillating spindle sander, 1/2 HP; Rockwell table top reciprocating saw; Black N Decker workmate; Stanley mobile work center; sm. nuts and bolt bins; Super Pal air compressor, 1 HP; Craftsman power hand saw; numerous power and hand tools; sm. roll around cabinet w/ top box; Craftsman router; wood and C clamps; router bit set; wood chisel set; Craftsman extension reel plug in; grease guns; files; T square set; hex keys; electric cords; battery charger; electric weed eater; shop vac.; 16’ aluminum extension ladder; saw horses; fiber glass ladder; Craftsman wet/dry vac., 4.25 HP; wood work bench; (2) tool belts.
RIDING MOWER: Craftsman LT 1000 riding mower, 16HP, 42” deck; manual push mower; Murray push mower, 20”, 4HP.
HUNTING AND FISHING: 2 throwing axes; (3) bull whips 1 w/ bone handle; TV underwater fish camera; fish wall plaque; Stanley fillet knife kit; The Big Bobber cooler; black powder boxes; (4) containers of used shells; reloader; (2) ammo boxes; fishing tackle and equip.; some shotgun shells; asst. fishing poles; fishing reels.
DIE CAST CARS: (5) 1:9 scale Pro-stock motorcycle collectables, in boxes, 1 signed.
MISCELLANEOUS: Murray electric start snow blower, 21”, 4.5 HP; shop radio; Johnson guitar; rodeo style lamp; (3) book shelves; Marvin room heater; (2) TVs; bird tunes clock; (2) recliners; Epson printer; locking file cabinet; kerosene heater; sm. table top popcorn popper; wheel barrow; sm. gas grill; lawn sweep; lawn seeder; leaf blower; (2) Adirondack chairs; collection of beer mugs; coffee table; 3 drawer dresser; wicker rocker; “Tee Toddler” scooter. Many more items to numerous tomention.
AUCTIONEER NOTE: This auction has a lifetime collection of Daisy BB guns and woodworking tools. Credit cards, cash or good check accepted. 3% courtesy fee on credit cards. Announcements made day of sale take precedence over printed materials. Not responsible for injuries, accidents, lost or stolen, or misrepresented items. You won’t want to miss this auction. All purchases are “AS IS-WHERE IS”.
No buyers premium or sales tax.
Restroom Food by K and M Concessions.
Randy DeWees, Auctioneer and Appraiser
Phone: (219)866-5605 Cell Phone: (219)863-2949
In.#AU10200113 Ill.#441001475
Email:[email protected]

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Listing id 3928
Post date April 4, 2015 2:19 PM
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Randy DeWees
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