Cable Piano for sale in Lenexa, Johnson County, Kansas

Other 87th Street Parkway, Lenexa, Johnson County, Kansas
500.00 $


Wonderful mid 1970's upright piano. No scratches, no dings, and no dents. Taken good care of. All it needs is a tune up and some TLC, maybe a good dusting/polish. Prefer to sell to a family who wants to learn on it as ours did many years ago, but will sell to anyone genuinely interested. Churches too. Lots of sheet music to go with it as well. It will be up to you to move it though, as I have a bad back. It will take a flat dolly to do it and a couple of strong people. I can be contacted through my email account and here. I will respond quickly. I live off of 87th Street in Lenexa and am easy to find.

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Listing id 42120
Post date July 31, 2017 8:23 PM
Last edit August 1, 2017 5:55 PM
Result 0 votes
Darren Gappa
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