Babylock BMP embroidery machine in Rogers, Arkansas, Arkansas

Other Rogers, Rogers, Arkansas, Arkansas


Due to health reasons, we are unable to continue our embroidery business. We are looking to sell the complete system to someone wanting to start their own home based decorating business.
Here are some pics of the complete embroidery system.
Includes Babylock BMP embroidery professional machine, stand, 8 standard size hoops (2 small, 2 med, 2 large and 2 xl). Also comes with the cap frame (cap frame gauge, hat hoop and driver). I am including our supply of 124 caps. As a bonus I am including several hundred dollars’ worth of embroidery designs to get your business up and going. Includes operator manual.
We are looking to sell ASAP in the NWA area. If you know of anyone looking to start their own business this is a great opportunity to get into the decorated apparel industry.

Includes Babylock BMP embroidery professional machine, stand, 8 standard size hoops (2 small, 2 med, 2 large and 2 xl). Also comes with the cap frame (cap frame gauge, hat hoop and driver). Includes operator manual.

I am including our supply of 124 caps. The embroidered caps with just personalization will bring in around $2480 in profit...
124 caps X $20= $2480 and we have no problem with charging $20 per cap. Headwear is very profitable, you can sell to schools, baseball teams, bands and more.

As a bonus I am including several hundred dollars’ worth of embroidery designs to get your business up and going.We are looking to sell ASAP in the NWA area. If you know of anyone looking to start their own business this is a great opportunity to get into the decorated apparel industry.

We are asking $6000.00. The machine has been recently serviced (cleaned/oiled) and in excellent running condition.

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Listing id 7271
Post date June 7, 2015 5:45 PM
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Bryon Hunter
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