22 Gallon Fish Tank in Whitehouse Station, Hunterdon, New Jersey

Other Readington Township, Whitehouse Station, Hunterdon, New Jersey
75.00 $


22 gallon fish tank. Includes filter, lighted lid, heater, air pump, bubble bars, plastic plants, tank decor and pebbles, cleaning brushes, vacuum, a ton of miscellaneous accessories. PLUS two fish: a full size angel fish and a pretty large golden gourami. $75 bucks for everything. This is ridiculously cheap, but we are moving and can't take this with us. It is up to you to figure out the logistics of fish transport, once they are out I can drain the water for you. Whitehouse Station, Hunterdon County, NJ.
Call 908-938-9809 if interested.

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Listing id 18915
Post date October 29, 2015 2:47 PM
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Robert Johnston
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