1/2 Hog Great Tasting Non-Confinement Pork in Lakefield, Redwood County, Minnesota

Other Lakefield, Redwood County, Minnesota
245.00 $


1/2 Hog of great tasting non-confinement Berkshire pork raised without any Antibiotics or other drugs. You pick up from Leota or Bergen Butcher Shop middle of September.

Text or Call (507) 662-6376

Berkshire pork is known for its richness, texture, marbling, juiciness, tenderness and overall depth of flavor. It is thought by many to be the Kobe beef of pork. It is said to have a very specific taste, not generic and bland or mild like regular pork. You have to TRY IT!

The MOST convenient source of meat is your own freezer.

We deliver one of our Great tasting hogs to the Butcher. We will help you with a Cutting Order, then you take home to your freezer approx 63#s of delicious pork! Your total cost will be around $245 or $3. 81/lb These weights and costs will all depend on the individual animal and how you have it cut up but it gives you an idea.

Approx what you get: 18 pkgs. Pork Chops, 2 - 3#s Butt Roasts, 2 - 4#s Picnic Roasts, 4 - 3.5#s Bone-in Smoked Hams, 1 pkg. Spare Ribs, 10 pkgs. Regular Bacon, 6#s Ground Pork, 2 pkgs. Fresh Hocks, 5#s Pork Fat. Approx. 63 lbs of take home meat.

The butcher will tell us the Hanging Weight. We chrg $1.40/lb Hanging Weight. You will pay us based on the Hanging Weight and the Butcher for the processing grand total Est Cost $245.

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Listing id 44417
Post date August 24, 2017 12:57 PM
Last edit August 24, 2017 12:59 PM
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Shirley Handzus
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