Norman Window Blinds in Collinsville, Tulsa, Oklahoma

Household Collinsville, Tulsa, Oklahoma
200.00 $


I have 2 faux wood blinds. Both are 2.5" slats . One is Pure Whit , and the other is Pearl. They are brand new, still in the box. Looking to get rid of them. Blinds may also be outside mounted. If they are a lil bit bigger then your window. I'm asking 75$ for the 70-7/8✖70-3/8. Asking 125$ for the 94-3/4✖46-7/8. Will install for an additional 5$ fee. If interested please contact Collen via Email, or cell. 918-902-2216

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Views 53
Listing id 14483
Post date September 1, 2015 9:45 PM
Last edit September 1, 2015 9:50 PM
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Collen Wells
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