Noritake Annabelle patern 5 piece service for 8 plus serving dishes in Yelm, Thurston County, Washington

Kitchen Items Near Community Park, Yelm, Thurston County, Washington
300.00 $


I have a set of Noritake Annabelle pattern with 5 piece place settings for 8 (missing one dinner plate, one coffee cup, and one bread and butter plate), as well as the 5 piece hostess set. Each place setting consists of a dinner plate, a salad plate, a bread and butter plate, a saucer and coffee cup. The 5 piece hostess set includes a 13" serving platter, 10" divided vegetable bowl, 9" oval serving bowl, and a salt shaker and a pepper shaker. Excellent like new condition.
Value for full set, less replacement cost for missing pieces is $430; yours with quilted storage containers for only $300.

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Listing id 277973
Post date May 11, 2022 5:34 PM
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Linda Du Vall Shea
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