Cutting Board Ipad/tablet holder in Belton, Bell County, Texas

Kitchen Items Belton, Bell County, Texas
18.00 $


Avoid a kitchen mishap!

How often do you look up recipes on your tablet or phone? Imagine laying it on the kitchen counter spilling an ingredient on it or trying to prop it up with a bowl or something else that's in your kitchen.

We use these Ipad, phone or tablet holders in our own kitchen. They serve as added decor when not in use or fold away to store in a drawer.

* Handmade and cut from solid pine wood.

*Great gifts for the cook or bakers in your life or to add to your own decor.

*Comes in 3 colors, Early American stain, black, or white. Designs to fit your personal style in Weather vane, Initial, or My Roost My Rules.

7.0"W x 14"L x 3/4" thick

Our custom orders normally ship within 5 - 7 days.

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Views 83
Listing id 91041
Post date September 6, 2018 3:11 PM
Last edit September 8, 2018 8:26 PM
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