Jewelry In Candles in Taos, Taos, New Mexico

Household Taos, Taos, Taos, New Mexico
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Jewelry In Candles is a candle company that uses 100% Soy to make their hand poured candles right here in the USA. Each candles or pack of Wax Tarts have a piece of jewelry with your choice of ring and size ( men's and women's available), necklace or a pair of earrings. I have some candles and wax tarts on hand with a variety of jewelry or you can go to my online store at to check out all of our amazing scents. There are so many to choose from with a new scent release every week and a scent of the month every month that you get an automatic 20% off.

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Views 83
Listing id 4112
Post date April 9, 2015 12:14 PM
Last edit April 21, 2015 10:43 AM
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Tiffany White
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