INVACARE FULL ELECTRIC BED, MATTRESS & RAILS in White Springs, Hamilton County, Florida

Household In Town, White Springs, Hamilton County, Florida
750.00 $


Asking $750 Or Best Offer!!!
This is full electrical home hospital bed with rails and a pressure redistribution mattress. No one died in this bed so please don't ask that. The spots on the bed are a drink that was spilled, I'll have it cleaned before pick up. This bed was only used for about a month. I did use stock pics to show that it can be adjusted higher or lower. We will take any reasonable offer. We know there are people out there who really need a bed like this and we don't need it anymore.

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Views 1047
Listing id 247178
Post date October 26, 2019 11:39 PM
Result 0 votes
Katherine Pereira
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