Vintage Solid Wood Chest of Drawers! Unique Hardware! Golden Wood Grain! in Milford, Hunterdon, New Jersey

Furniture Milford, Hunterdon, New Jersey
325.00 $


Store your belongings in this gorgeous chest of drawers! Crafted in solid wood, it stands 46” tall and the top dimensions are 33” wide x 17.5” deep at its widest part. The top has an interesting decorative scalloped curve to the outer edge and a scalloped apron at he bottom. Beautiful wood grain shines in shades of golden brown. The sides have wooden inlays. There are five drawers, four of the drawers are functional. The top drawer is nailed shut. Would look wonderful in your bedroom or in a large hallway. This chest of drawers is a beautiful piece of vintage furniture that would look wonderful in any decor!

• 46” tall x 33” wide x 17.5” deep
• beautiful golden brown color with lovely wood grain
• five drawers with unique vintage metal hardware (four drawers are functional)
• solid wood

The chest of drawers has been in my family for more than 10 years. There are some scratches and mars in the finish and there are worn spots around the top drawer--it appears that the drawer was broken at one point and was then nailed shut. All of these flaws just add to the beauty of a true antique! Gently used and well taken care of! Please view pictures carefully and contact me with any questions.

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Listing id 23779
Post date December 31, 2015 4:30 PM
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Maryann Appel
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