Vintage Hanging Grandfather Clock - Cash/Trade in Camano Island, Island, Washington

Furniture Stanwood, Camano Island, Island, Washington
260.00 $


PREFER PHONE CALLS. CASH ONLY DEAL or Trade for working smaller dark hanging clock of approx equal vintage. In very good condition, working, antique Grandfather Clock. This thing is about 3.5' to 4' tall. It has the pendulum and key to wind up the chime and timing springs. It belonged to my grandmother, then mother, who gave it to me. It works, the chimes are good, and the woodwork on it is damn near perfect. The only thing it needs is a new glass cover for the face. This is not a clock for a beginner since its timing is thrown off if it is not hung properly on the wall. The problem is corrected by being hung perfectly level as all these clocks need. The only reason I am selling this is that I already have insomnia problems and the tick-tick-tick-bong drives me batty. Loved my mom and grandma, but I hate this clock. It needs a good home to someone who appreciates these beautiful old clocks.
These clocks retail for over five hundred bucks. One this size and condition goes for more usually. You certainly can't get a clock like this even in the antique or consignment stores for this price. Saw a small, as in probably only 18" tall grandmother clock at the antique store recently that didn't even work and it sold for four-hundred-fifty or five hundred. I am asking $260 o.b.o. for this. CASH ONLY. 360-603-4165
Prefer phone calls and can deliver to Mount Vernon, Marysville, or North Everett for an additional $40. Further than that for delivery will cost more. Again, $260 obo for the clock plus delivery if desired. CASH ONLY and I DO NOT ship. NO CHECKS OR MONEY ORDERS ACCEPTED. If you cannot show in person and pay CASH or have the requested trade, then please do not waste my time.

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Listing id 10789
Post date July 22, 2015 5:51 PM
Last edit July 22, 2015 8:49 PM
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