Twin Captain Beds in West Bend, Washington, Wisconsin

Furniture West Bend, Washington, Wisconsin
200.00 $


My parents have captain beds that they are looking to get rid of. Both are in pretty good condition. There are two of them. We would be willing to sell just one or both. They both have nice mattresses on them. One better than the other. We are willing to sell with or without mattresses as well. The beds have one side that has drawers on the bottom of it and the other has blank storage space. If you have any other questions, please let me know.

Both Beds with Mattresses: $1300
One bed with mattress: $750
One Mattress: $250
One Bed: $550

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Views 58
Listing id 17865
Post date October 15, 2015 10:01 AM
Last edit October 15, 2015 10:06 AM
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