Tvilum Samuel Coffee Table in Palisades Park, Bergen, New Jersey

Furniture Palisades Park, Bergen, New Jersey
50.00 $


Tvilum Samuel Coffee Table
Normal use, in excellent condition.
Sturdy coffee table that has great storage and sleek looking.

Item Weight:57 pounds
Product Dimensions:51.2 x 23.5 x 14.8 inches
Color: Espresso

**We are getting rid of it because it has sharp corners that is not exactly babyfriendly and we don't want to stick those ugly corner protectors on a perfectly nice looking coffee table. We included a "manufacturer" picture because our coffee table is now sitting in the corner of the living room and blocked off from the baby.

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Listing id 31371
Post date March 29, 2016 7:54 PM
Result 0 votes
Cindy Yip
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