Thomasville Queen Bedroom Set in Holmen, La Crosse, Wisconsin

Furniture Holmen, La Crosse, Wisconsin
1100.00 $


Moving Sale
(2) Nightstands 24”W x 24”H x 17”D, 2-Drawer, $100 ea
Armoire 40”W x 63 ½”H x 18”D, 3-drawer, plus 2 drawers and 2 shelves inside, $400
Dresser w/ 2 Mirrors 72”W x 31”H x 19”D, 7-Drawer, plus 2 drawers inside$450
Queen Headboard 55”H to top of posts, $75

Thomasville solid dovetail construction. Non-smoking home, one owner, excellent condition. Abundance of storage. Buyer will need to arrange moving.

Will consider selling bedroom set pieces individually as priced above, but prefer to sell as a set. If sold as a set (Armoire, Dresser, 2 night stands, queen headboard) asking $1,100.

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Listing id 10525
Post date July 19, 2015 12:35 PM
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Lisa S
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