Spun Fiberglass Samsonite Maker 5pc. 4 chairs Plus Table - $75 in SAINT PETERSBURG, Pinellas, Florida

Furniture 33709, SAINT PETERSBURG, Pinellas, Florida
75.00 $


Moving, selling 5 pc spun fiberglass patio set consisting of 4 chairs and one table. Glass top can be acquired very easily, or I can help tell you where for cheap to place on top of table round. Glass will be better than what was there. This fiberglass set is very expensive, and rare, and unique. It is mid century and could not be more beautiful. Right now, beautiful purple and white flowers are surrounding. This set can definatativly go outdoors without damage and can be an heirloom, certainly of quality. It is made by Samsonite. Can't go wrong, come and make it yours. Of course this set is in fabulous condition; and always will be. Unless it gets hit by a car! It is as strong as a car and durable and comfortable. Even without cushions. Or can get any complimentary color you choose!
cONTACT: 727-643-7519. CALLS ONLY / NO TEXT. THX.

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Listing id 32415
Post date April 10, 2016 9:04 AM
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Rechelle Bennett
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