Recliner , couch , kitchen table!!! in Winfield, Cowley, Kansas

Furniture Winfield, Cowley, Kansas
75.00 $


I have two recliners that match and are sage green in color. In good condition, may need gently cleaned or wiped down due to being in a storage shed the few months . I also have a recliner and couch that match as a set that are light brown in color. The oversize love seat/couch has two recliners on each end and the middle has cup holder and arm rest . Great condition !!! Asking 75$ for sage recliners and 300$ for the living room set. There is a kitchen table in very, very nice condition. Comes with leaf and four chair's. The table light oak in color and round. Gently used. Asking 250$ for chairs and table , may have two other chairs to go with the others if someone really needs them.

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Listing id 18413
Post date October 22, 2015 6:25 AM
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Tekeisha Skwiat
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