Recliner Chair Lift in Gainesville, Hall, Georgia

Furniture Gainesville/Murryville/Clermont, Gainesville, Hall, Georgia
300.00 $


This Recliner Lift is a nice clean comfortable chair. It really helps when you need a little help getting up. Great for sleeping as well. Chair is spotless and fairly new. A back up battery operated is included, in case the electricity goes out. Chair extents to 5'9", Seat width only not arms:21" It wasn't used much.I don't have a need for it anymore and would like to help someone with it. They are very expensive, between $900- up to $2000 new. I have it for a very reasonable price. Just $300.00 Cash only please. Ask for Jennie or Gary: 678-865-7838. If it's advertised it's available.

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Listing id 33603
Post date May 8, 2017 4:02 PM
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Jennie Cantrell
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