Queen sized bed frame! (Black) in Saint Ann, St. Louis, Missouri

Furniture Saint Ann, Saint Ann, St. Louis, Missouri
45.00 $


I am selling a black, metal, Queen-sized adjustable bed frame. It is super easy to set up and features 4 working casters (wheels, 2 on each rail), arm locks, and caster locks. It does NOT feature a support bar, but those are inexpensive and can be purchased at most furniture stores if you think you really need one. This is a very nice bed frame, and I'd like to get $45 OBO for it. It does not include any headboards or foot boards. I am only selling the metal frame. However, it could be hooked up to a headboard by bolting one on to the frame itself. Serious inquiries only. POOS. No haggling in person, I will only accept cash, and I would like to meet by my house. I live by the Airport. Respond to this post or inbox me if you're interested. Thanks!

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Listing id 13764
Post date August 24, 2015 4:49 PM
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David John
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