NEW Bedroom set never used in Newberg, Yamhill County, Oregon

Furniture Newberg, Yamhill County, Oregon
1300.00 $


Have a complete BRAND NEW bedroom set with a single bed and brand new (unused mattress) all bought as a set at Johnson's Furniture only a month ago. Price was $2300.00 Aunt has passed away before any use of this new furniture! It is located in a care center right now and need to sell before the end of the month. The complete set includes all new --Headboard, bed frame, Mattress, Box Spring, Nite Stand and 5 Drawer Chest of drawer. Will consider a great reduction down to a price of $1300. to get it moved in time. If you are looking --please contact me NOW.
Passed suddenly and never used and just moving in and purchased for her. Located in Newberg

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Listing id 266696
Post date March 25, 2021 10:51 PM
Result 0 votes
Roger Currier
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