Moving Sale in PEWEE VALLEY, Oldham, Kentucky

Furniture Pewee Valley, PEWEE VALLEY, Oldham, Kentucky


Moving Sale and these items need to go.
2 Thomasville Bedroom Suites- chest of drawers, dresser, 1 nightstand and headboard for each. Dark wood asking $500 each or best offer- not pictured
2 loveseats $ $100 or best offer
1 Thomasville dining room suite- china cabinet, table and six chairs and buffet $1000 as a set; may consider selling items separately
1 vintage stereo cabinet- still works $150 or best offer
2 lazy boy recliners $50 each- not pictured
1 lazy boy couch with recliners on each end. $200 or best offer-not pictured
1 coffee table $25
1 Entertainment center $50 or best offer- not pictured
2 end tables with matching coffee table 1960's era- $25 for all- not pictured
2 end tables $50 or best offer
1 upholstered chair -rocker-maroon color $60 or best offer- not pictured

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Views 114
Listing id 10378
Post date July 17, 2015 9:47 AM
Result 0 votes
novella brown
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