Moving sale! Couches, queen beds, dressers, etc for sale! in Olympia, Thurston County, Washington

Furniture Olympia, Thurston County, Washington


Moving sale! Everything must go! Must be able to provide own transportation and pick up.
Local in person sales only.
Text/call Nicole @ (808) 221-8516 if interested.

3 piece couch set $600
2 queen beds with box spring and frame $500 each
2 long dressers $100 each
Tv stand (fits 50” tv) $100
Wooden coffee table $50
Square small coffee table $25
Long rectangle and small square ottomans $25 each
2 tall fans $40 each
2 safes (1 rectangle, 1 small square)
Wooden tall standing mirror $20

Kitchen appliances:
Keurig with k cup holder $90
Water dispenser $100
Crock pot $10
Blender $10
Pots, pans, knives, Tupperware

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Views 75
Listing id 243693
Post date August 14, 2019 8:42 PM
Result 0 votes
Nicole Nicolas
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