Moving and MUST SELL BY 7/15/2019 in Hodgenville, Larue County, Kentucky

Furniture Buffalo, Hodgenville, Larue County, Kentucky


I have...
(1) One very small dresser with 3 drawers, in good condition, perfect for a toddler.. 25.00
(1) Heavy, unfinished (in my opinion huge) wood bookcase. 75.00
(1) One older, long dresser with 6 drawers (2 columns of small 3 drawers) 100.00
(1) Spankin’ Baby New Wheelchair (with wheelchair seat cushion), DRIVE Branded, retails for over 200.00+ 125.00
(1) One older (not saying antique), buffet or hutch style piece... it separates into two pieces for easier moving. 200.00
(2) Two (well built, sturdy) twin size beds... painted white, hardware used in connecting joints were door hinges making beds easy to breakdown and put back together for supremely easy moving. With mattresses and box springs, 125.00 for both or 75.00 each.
Working Refrigerator... white don’t know dimensions.. 150.00
Last known to be working Washer/Dryer don’t know brand.. 150.00 for the set.. (gas dryer).

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Listing id 241682
Post date July 13, 2019 6:07 PM
Result 0 votes
Heather Johnson
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