Maple Chest on Chest in Crestwood, Oldham, Kentucky

Furniture Crestwood, Oldham, Kentucky
575.00 $


Excellent quality vintage maple chest of drawers. They don't make them this well anymore! Great for bedroom or guest room. Unfortunately a house downsize doesn't leave room for all furniture and this its one item that didn't make the "cut"! :-(

Six drawer maple chest of drawers. 38 1/2" width, 55" tall, 18" deep for the top portion, 19" deep for the bottom portion. Metal and wood draw guides. Solid wood. Dovetailed drawers. Gold tone drawer pulls.

Built to last through the generations.

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Listing id 16001
Post date September 21, 2015 4:14 PM
Last edit September 21, 2015 4:16 PM
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Sue Piotrowski
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